Awesome Ways to Launch a Product on Social Media

Now you’ve probably thought about all the things your competitors did when they launched their products. Was it a huge campaign with unnecessary graphics that seemed to work just fine and even helped them break even?

As a small business it is quite understandable that you have limited resources but you can make up for it and reach a larger client base with social media. It’s quick, reliable and best of all, FREE.

Start With A Teaser

Before you actually launch a product, make a teaser campaign. Start thinking of ways you can employ social media to hint that something exciting is coming along.  Get a name like “project xyz” and keep on mentioning it now and again in your posts.  You need to create hype. You will be surprised how many of your followers will call, message, mail you and ask about it.

Work on The Images

Just remember to keep these few things in your mind when you are making the campaign. Experiment using Facebook posts with and without images, share work in progress images e.g. blurred images and just remember to not reveal too much to anyone to keep the suspense alive.

Social Media Network

The Video

You also have the option of creating something personal, like a video, for example. You can put together one that showcases how your team is engrossed in planning for a new project. This will increase curiosity and anticipation.

Email Interest List

You can even start a one of a kind email interest list for people who want to know more about the launch. You can make a special click-through link where people can sign up and get insider updates if they are sincerely interested. Now the purpose of this list is to get the word out when your product actually launches. Think about it, people who are taking their time to view your content will, at some point, mention it to the people around them.

Entertaining and Educating

Now when the time of the launch finally arrives, make sure that you add a different part of the launch process with resources like how to’s and tips and take home lessons.  This way you will add value and many people will want to know more about the product that you have been talking about.

Make Yourself and The New Product Familiar

Once the product has launched, or during its pre-launch, you can always get yourself interviewed.  A good idea would be to include a couple of questions that someone can ask and maybe choose a host who can relate to your product too. This will allow you to create the hype you need to place your brand or product on the proverbial map.

There is no sure way to tell whether people really are spreading the word or not. One possibility to do that is by asking loyal followers to spread the word. Include it in your emails, reference it via hash tags and respond to anyone who shares it.

After you have done many, or all, of these activities, when you are finally ready to launch your product, you already have an excited audience waiting for it.


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