Tips On How To Do Small Business Marketing Affordably

Any marketing campaign can take its toll on your business’ resources, but your business still needs you to advertise and spread the word. Small business marketing is essential to grow.  You can’t afford to be complacent – you know your competitors aren’t. Continue reading this post…

Advantages Of Customized Online Surveys

A survey is one of the best tools to get to know your customers and clients better. When deciding which product to launch, how to upgrade your existing product line, or whether your customers/clients/employees are satisfied with your organization, surveys should play an important role in answering all these and many more questions.

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Students Welcome At SurveyRock!

Even though our all-inclusive,  everything including the kitchen sink, Premium account is only $15 a month, we realize that for many students that is a lot of money.  You could probably use that to buy lunch for a week (your moms would never forgive us).  It’s pretty much a universal truth that students are poor, so we want to help you out.

Any student who wants to create their very own surveys (questionnaires, polls, etc) can do so for free at SurveyRock! 

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Online Surveys vs. Paper Based Surveys

The cost of paper is on the rise and everyone is going Green.   The recent post office closures and rate hikes are evidence of that.

Can They Read It?

Legibility is a huge factor when it comes to surveys so the designer must cater to every kind of person who reads it. You may think that a paper survey with jet black ink may be a plausible option but that it is the same for the clear cut text on the monitor. However not everyone can sit through a consistent period of time in front of a computer screen and work on one. This includes people who are suffering from visual impairments. Therefore it would be a great option to go for a paper survey.

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Moving Survey Pages and Page Elements

It happens to the best of us.  You’ve just finished creating a masterpiece of a survey.  Every question is carefully crafted to help the user understand what you’re looking for and short enough to keep them from moving on.  But then you realize that question 4 would really make more sense after question 7.  What do you do now???  No worries!  That’s why we have the “Sort Page Elements” function.  This lets you change the order of any or all elements of a page or even change the order of entire pages.  To see a detailed tutorial, please go to our support page.

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New Website

As I’m sure many of you have noticed, a few days ago we launched a new version of our website (  We had a couple of reasons for doing this.  First and foremost, I didn’t like the original version!  We put it together very quickly so that we could launch SurveyRock and get it into the hands of our customers.  It was more important to us that we had a smoothly running site with the functionality you needed to create surveys rather than a pretty homepage. Continue reading this post…
