
Get the feedback you need. Quickly & easily. At an amazing price.


Here is where it all begins. Creating & designing your survey. Get started quickly using one of our many predefined templates (customer satisfaction, employee feedback, college course reviews, etc.) or if you already know what you want to say, just start adding questions. Choose from our numerous question types, including multiple choice, rating, matrix, image, ranking and more. Finally, select a survey theme that fits your brand or just go with our default elegant, classic style. We also offer the option to show your survey from right-to-left (RTL) for your clients who speak Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Urdu and others.



After you have created your survey, the next step is to share it with others. The easiest thing to do is simply create a web link and share that with your recipients. Distribute it through email, Facebook, Twitter, instant messaging. The choice is up to you. Customize the desired survey start and end times, maximum amount of people who can take the poll and, if you've signed up for a premium or business plan, you can also customize the link to something that's uniquely your own.



This might be the most important step. After people have taken your survey, you want to know what they've said. Review the results. Analyze the data. Look for trends. You can check out an overall summary for each question or drill down to see the individual responses from each recipient. Filter the data by dozens of different criteria to slice and dice the responses to fit your needs and requirements. Add cross tabulation to visualize the grouping of different response and to better understand the correlation between the data and questions. Our premium and business account holders can also export the response data in Excel, CSV or SPSS format to use those tools for further analysis.


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No. Anyone can use SurveyRock for free to create a survey. You only need a credit card when you're ready to upgrade to our Premium, Business or Enterprise plan.
Yes. With our Premium, Business and Enterprise accounts, you only pay for one month (or year) at a time. When you’re done, you can either downgrade to our free plan or just cancel your account. Either way, you won’t be charged any more but you will be missing out on a lot of cool features. And we'll miss you!
Yes. SurveyRock already offers a tremendous value to our customers and clients but we know that students don't have a lot of money, so just contact us at support @ and we'll help you out with a free Premium account for as long as you need it (teachers too!).
In order to offer our customers the maximum data privacy possible, we store our user data in the European Union (EU).
Yes, we are GDPR compliant. You can find the details in our privacy policy: